The Spanking Partition

If you’ve got one of those useless partition walls that juts out into your living space, you can convert it to a bondage wall by screwing in just two simple eyelets to use as attachment points:

spanked while bound to their bondage wall

However, you can’t spank a pussy properly if your slapper is inside her panties! It is known.

Photos are from an old issue of Hustler’s Taboo.

See Also:

Caning Keeps Her On Her Toes

If she keeps sort of reflexively going up on her toes to make her bottom a moving target when you cane her, one solution is to make her stand on her tippy-toes before you deliver the stroke:

up on her toes for a really hard caning

I believe this is Alison Miller in one of the Boot Camp scenes for Firm Hand Spanking.

See Also:

Scientific Discipline

If you’ve gotta get an OTK spanking, maybe it’s for the best if your spanker has great disciplinary credentials. On the other hand, perhaps you’d be better off over the knee of an amateur, who can be distracted by foolishness and shenanigans or by offers of oral sex:

otk spanking from a professional disciplinarian with many spanking diplomas

Artwork is by NaughtyGirls.

See Also:

Men Beat The Asses Of Girls Who Wear Glasses

There used to be an old saying: “Men don’t make passes at girls who wear glasses.” It was never true; it was used as an admonishment to girls, that they should prioritize their appearance at all costs, even if it meant stumbling through life half-blind, and never being seen reading a book. But, it turns out, there’s another peril of being a smart, cute, attractive, eyeglasses-wearing bookworm:

caning the ass of the girl wearing glasses

I don’t have a source for this photo.

See Also:

Whipped For Indecency

I’m an imaginative guy, but it’s hard for me to imagine what act of public indecency this unfortunate pilloried cowgirl might have committed that would be more indecent that the naked writhings she is about to commit under the lashes of that cruel knotted whip:

pilloried cowgirl whipped for indecency

Artwork is by DigitalGil.

See Also:

Pretty Blonde Is Resigned To Her Painful Fate

She’s pretty and cute and blonde. And her bottom is covered in old spanking bruises. But her cruel boyfriend slammed an energy drink and announced that he’s tired of her bullshit, and she’s got another long evening of punishment coming. There are seven serious-looking paddles and canes and straps lined up on the bed, and she’s been told to assume the position. What can she do?

All she can do is crawl up on the bed and kneel as instructed. But she’s not a stupid girl. She’s posing with her ass-cheeks spread and her butt-sphincter as relaxed as she can make it. She’s hoping her winking anus will give her boyfriend ideas, less painful than the punishment he has in mind.

See Also:

Returned, In Tears, To The King

Everybody knew that, in his time as a feckless prince, the new king had spent virtually all his time wenching, and tormenting women of low status in the cellars under the castle. But the old king his father always kept him on a bit of a leash. In those days, the prince always paid his victims in good gold and let them leave at dawn, even if perhaps they never dared say no outright. But now, the old man is gone, and the young king has taken to keeping whatever pretty maids catch his eye as virtual slaves in his bedchambers and pleasure dungeons. This one ran away, but she couldn’t outrun the royal cavalry. And now she’s being returned to face the despot’s terrible wrath:

whipped through the woods by knights

Artist is Gesperax.

See Also: